Prayers and Wishes for those in the Gulf Coast
Watching since Katrina hit and devastated the Gulf Coast has really depressed me but I keep watching for some reason.
Today I remembers a couple of guys that I used to chat to in the HardPornLounge site, Bart aka Trab and Ken Bean aka ThatPorchDawg, both of these men lived in the New Orleans area, Ken with his dog and Bart with his family...tonight my prayers are with these men and their families and my hopes that they are all okay. Ken was moving to Houston supposedly last year but I lost touch with him so I hope that he did make the move and wasn't witness to the destruction Hurricane.
Today the media is blasting those individuals who are taking the law into their own hands with looting and causing chaos in the New Orleans area and some in the Biloxi area. When I first heard about it I condemned those individuals also, but after watching today I realized that's what I would probably do too if I was in their shoes....A lot of these folks are poor and never had any way to escape Katrina, or they had sick family members and did not want or could not leave them. Now the desperation is setting in with no sign of help for these people, so looting an already destroyed store is occuring. I don't condone those idiots who are using guns and violence, because I am firmly against the gun laws of the U.S....freedom to bear arms my Ass!!!!
Anyway, if I was poor and stuck with no water, no sewer, my house destroyed and water at least knee deep all around me I can't say I wouldn't be doing the same thing they are with the looting...I would do everything I could do to make sure my family had the essentials to survive.
It's fine to say that help is on the way, but that's only because we who are watching the news can access that information....these poor people in the flooded areas do not probably have access....
And what is this bullshit about the prisoners in the prison's getting help to leave when law abiding citizen's are dying on the sides of the roads???...that's just crap
I wish I could turn the Television off and the computer and the newspapers and just live in my little bubble and not see the sadness and despair that these thousands of people are living with since Katrina but I can't....
I got the opportunity after the Tsunami to assist Habitat for Humanity in Sri Lanka and I hope that at some point in time in the next year I will get the chance to head down south to help also.
Please do your part any way you can, donate to the American Red Cross, or the Salvation Army or look up on the internet the other Organizations that are helping out the victims of Katrina.
It doesn't matter where in the World you are, a victim is a victim regardless of the Country they are in and they all need our help.....We are one