Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Rosa Resolution....

Today I sit and watch the celebration of life for Mrs Rosa Parks. Up until several years ago and into my adulthood I never knew who Mrs Parks was or the effect that she had on the American Civil Rights Movement. Many times during this celebration I have found tears in my eyes due to the words that these many people have had for this woman. I have to honestly say that I once felt Reverend Al Sharpton was just a blowhard but after today I have respect for what he has to say. Mr Lowry, who I still am not sure who he is, has many powerful words and the actions to back it up. He is a man who I would like to know more about. Mrs Park's simple action to sit down on a bus and not give in to the racist actions of those around her gave birth to the movement of giving people the rights they should have had in the first place. I hope her words and legacy never fade away and that we keep teaching our children and our grandchildren what the world should be about and not let the few with their small minded views and actions lead our world into a darker place.


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