Monday, August 08, 2005

American Drug Czar vs Marc Emery

So the big wig American DRug Czar comes to Canada to spew his venom and while he is blowing his horn our very own Marc Emery is in the crowd cat calling his speech...this upsets Mr Big Wig very much so he goes home and cries to his fellow blow hards and WHAMMO the American Idiots (not the band) come full cocked into Canada and arrest Mr Emery for selling pot seeds over the internet. You would think that Mr A.D.C would have enough problems in his own country with crack cocaine and chrystal meth but once again the politicians who can't solve problems within their own borders go out and take the focus off their own and put it onto a lesser weaker foe. It makes me just hurl.........

By the way you can't automatically have a marjiuana grow op by buying pot seeds over the internet. You have to know which plant is male and which plant is female, germinate them, spend thousands of dollars and many blown brain cells on equipment....growing marjiuana is not an easy task as I learned when I was a teenager. My mom liked the plants, so I got some seeds from a friend's brother and stuck them in the ground....they grew but they were harmless green trees, not one ounce of pot could be cultivated...but my mom had her nice green plants she liked and I discovered that grow-ops just weren't my forte.

More later when I actually want to waste my time on the idiots in power and not on the important things going on in the world


Blogger Stacie said...

So off the subject, I saw Bertuzzi was reinstated and immediately thought of you! I'm mixed as I'm an Avs fan and it is still in doubt as to when/if Moore will return to the ice, but Brad made some good points previously so I'm alright that he got reinstated. :-)

7:04 a.m.  
Blogger Neil Wainwright said...

Shouldn't the US be concerned with this subversive behaviour from The Onion? If the article is true, maybe they should go after Readers Digest? :-)

2:01 p.m.  

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