Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Less dark times...around 1984

this is dedicated to someone that i really feel a great deal about....
i don't know how he will feel but here it is...

as i lay awake i look over at you
sleeping so young and innocently
the shape of your face is shadowed by a flickering candle
such distinct features;
a nose of perfection
the eyes and lashes of an infant
you hold me tightly
letting me forget all that is wrong
so secure and warm you make me feel

i yearn to touch your skin
to feel the tenderness and love you show me

my fingers feel the bristle of a days unshaven face
even they seem to soften to my touch
as i run my hand over your face
its silky as a baby's skin

now as i gaze as my sleeping beauty
there seems to be no worry in his face
just thoughts of his boyhood dreams
which at one time filled his growing mind

i realize
this sleeping face is one of a boy
an innocent child
who must become a many everytime he wakes...

Passing time

The years have passed, ones of which I longed for you each day.
I guess it was the happiness you made me feel that made me want you more and more.
It had its ups and downs
Me and the world around have grown slightly but you and yours seem to have remained the unchanged.
Maybe I would be better off if I could get you out of my thoughts but then would my life be the same?
You taught me manys things Sir,
It was you to actually taught me how to care for someone.
I guess it was something you really didn't want to teach me.
You didn't even know at the time that you were
I was very mixed up and emotionally distraught when you grabbed a hold of me
It caught me off guard and swept me away
Nobody had ever held me like you did
Made me feel like I did when I was with you
I in turn guess scared you because you realized that I hadn't taken it as a game like you
You will always be special to me, even though to you I will only make bad things happen and bring back terrible memories
Maybe if it was a different time and a different place we could have cared for each other...
but like I said only maybe....

remember I
as the dreamer
will forever live because
as you know
dreams and the dreamer never die....

A moment of laughter...

You made me laugh
made me cry
Forgetting the tears that I had earlier cried
Relaxed and at ease
Once again opened up for a happier moment

But then the curtain fell
The scene was over

All the players masks removed
They were not as they seemed
We were not as we wanted to be
You were not as I wished you'd be

The performance had achieved it's goal
Personal success

The play over...
It had made me laugh but now I cry...

everything must have a beginning and an end...
of course...
Words though flow from one sentence to the other resulting in a thought or a feeling...
my words flow forever in and out of my life
I have my favourites and my not's...
Just remember:

Love the hated
and I truly love you much


Blogger Neil Wainwright said...

Very open. Looking back on life's ups and downs from a position of strength and safety (and I hope you have both) is a good thing. You seem to have experienced more than most, and for that I applaud you. Life is for the living. :-)

4:06 p.m.  

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