Thursday, June 30, 2005

For Doreen

Today I was reading the obituaries and found out that a lady I used to work with passed on June 15th. It was very sad because she was a woman who was full of life and always an experience to be around. Sometimes she was a pain in the ass but you could always get a laugh when she was around even if it was at her expense. I hadn't kept in touch with Doreen since she retired a few years back but she was always in my heart, I will miss knowing she is somewhere on this earth. Doreen worked at the Credit Union when I first started in 1984, I was the kid and she was the more experienced teller who worked beside me. She hated doing anything that didn't involve just simple transactions, so whenever she would get anything that involved more than 30 seconds of work or actually thinking how to do it she would transfer them over to me. She always had a way of doing it that the customers never knew she was passing them off..."She will help you over here dear", always with a dear here or a dear there...Many people knew of her passing off game so they would avoid her, then I arrived, the green student who she could get to do all her dirty work. Every wicket I would move to there would be Doreen on one side or the other and me never the wiser to it. She was an old fashioned lady who never really clued into stuff, or if she did she was a wise old fox who fooled us all. Almost everyday at about 4:45, 15 minutes before closing Doreen would saunter off to the bathroom for about 10 minutes, she would come out just in time to close down and go home. It would drive some of the tellers crazy, but most of the time I just laughed at her. There was a couple times that she would come out of the bathroom with her skirt tucked into her panty hose, and once or twice she would miss sitting down on her stool and land on the floor. I remember once we were on the ferry coming back from a shopping trip and she was so busy chatting that she swallowed the wrong way and started choking, I got up behind her and administers the heimlich and out popped a piece of food and her false teeth. She was so embarrassed, it wasn't the choking so much as it was her teeth flying out onto the lady's food tray across the table. Doreen loved her family and retired to help take care of her new grandchildren and make sure her husband who was soon going to retire was happy and healthy. She also loved gardening, she would spend all her weekends out in her yard, she took such pride in it. She always was quick with advice for this kid that she had thought she moulded and I wish she was here to see how well I had raised my little girl. I am so sorry that you never got to grow old with Alex and you will be so missed but Heaven will be that much prettier now with you up there taking care of the garden's....I love ya Do and thanks for the memories

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

enough said... Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Our neighbour at the beach Posted by Hello

Monday, June 27, 2005

Don't worry be happy

You ever have one of those weekends, either from PMS or just sheer boredom, where all you do is think? I had one of those weekends which was quite a disappointment after having such a productive week. I was a lazy slug, other than mowing the lawn and going to my daughter's soccer game I mostly just puttered around the house. Mine was mostly just PMSing, I know this because I want to eat everything in the house and bite off anybody's head that comes near me. These moods aren't really fun one's to be in, as many people would adhere to, as nothing really keeps me satisfied or happy. In this state I notice a lot of stuff that I wouldn't normally give a second glance to, whether it be people's ignorances, their laziness' or just a sheer not giving a crap about those people around them. I also noticed my own TMI on this blog so I deleted several posts.

What would really help this world would be if every single person would start thinking about other people and not just themselves. If each day a person would have to take 30 minutes or an hour to do something that would bring a smile to another's face. We are so focused on bringing our own opinions and beliefs to the world that we step on each other's. Think about how your behavior affects those people around you, whether it be in your day to day living or something you have written online. Treat every person you know whether intimately, or just casually as they were your best friend. This in itself will bring a smile to their face or at least make the day a little brighter for them.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Free to be who I want to be

It's Friday andI am home alone...It's the weekend so my daughter is gone to a friend's house and who knows when she will be home cause it is summer holidays....The television is on to the Bud pole qualifying and the dog is laying at the front door wanting to go outside. Where am I, at the computer of course, I am not sure what draws me to this thing but some days are worse than others for the amount of time I will spend on here. I try not to spend more than 2 hours on the computer. After about an hour my attention span needs something new to excite it.

Here's a question for everyone........

What is the difference between a person who is hetrosexual and a person who is homosexual?
And why is a homosexual person treated so differently than a hetrosexual?

As far as I am concerned the only difference between me and a gay person is who they are sleeping with. I have many gay friends and I haven't noticed any boils or lesions on them that would take in account for the crappy way parts of society treat them.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Counting down

When I wake up tomorrow it will be 8 days left until I turn 40..........
As much as the idea makes me sick, I am warming up to the idea.
I don't look like I am old, people say I look like I am about 30.
I haven't passed my sexual prime yet, though having anymore kids is probably out of the question...but if I had unprotected sex I could still get pregnant

I think I will make my 40's better than my 20's and my 30's

In your 20's you feel like you could do no wrong, even though you don't probably know your ass from adam.
In your 30's you are wondering what life is all about.
In your 40's you can take all the experiences you have had and go for it............

Right to die....

While I am on the ranting phase of the evening I thought why not keep blasting the idiot's in charge regarding the Right to Die. Since when does the Government's in any country have the right to tell us how we should die? The recent case of Terry Schiavo was a pathetic example of how everyone thought they had a say in the woman's life. The Government getting involved just gave the Christian fundlementalists the fuel they needed to shove their beliefs into our faces. One Militia group in Michigan offered their services to the parents, to come down and take out Michael Schiavo.....someone tell me why that is good thing? The Bush boys were in their glory that they could push their beliefs in the faces of anyone and everyone.
Once again it is nobody's business or right to stick their noses into a situation that should be handled within the family unit. When I die it will be hopefully with dignity. If I were to get terminally ill I would hope that there is someone around to adhere to my wishes and not let me lead an artificle existance. It was sad to see how Terry Schiavo had to spend her last few weeks on this earth, shrouded in spectacle of bullshit.

Wait til you read about my opinions of abortion and gay rights.......


The Canadian Porn industry is up in arms over American laws that infringe on the Canadian Privacy Laws.

The anal retentive Conservative's want the world to look through the same rose coloured bi-focals that they squint through.

I am all for getting rid of the slimy bastards that exploit children. Those dickless pricks need to be castrated and have their puny dicks shoved down their throats.

While I was reading that article I was thinking of all the sexually explicit pics I posted on the net over the years. I know several people who run porn sites and none of them have under-age photo's. The Porn industry needs to keep cleaning itself up, with regular testing of AID's and other STD's, banning those players who test positive, and ridding itself of drugs. Some people might not agree about porn being a freedom of choice but as long as it's consentual and the players are legal age it's not hurting those Conservative's in the holy offices in Washington D.C.


I love that site where you can amuse yourself for days with all the different quizzes.
Tonight I found out that I am above intelligence, my stripper name would be Trixie, my penis name is Elvis, my porn name is Jenny Jiggles, my boobie's names are Love Muffins, my dad is like Mike Tyson, I am part expert kisser and part freaky kisser and there is only a 14% chance of me going to hell...............thank goodness for those quizzes it's a hoot

The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.
Your risk of cheating is low. Even if you're tempted, you'd try hard not to do it.
You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.
In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. <<<<<-------------this is all from answering some questions on animals....but it's so true

I also only act 19........that in itself was worth checking out the quizzes

Past lives of a chatter

Reading Tommy's critism's today made me think of a subject to write bare with me as I try to rid myself of the LOL's and the hahahaha's, I just have to get that self esteem thing happening with my writing....

I don't know how many people chat or have chatted in past lives, I don't do it anymore but at one time in my life I was chatting at least 8 hours a day. This caused many problems in my life as well as becoming an addiction. I have a very addictive personality so chatting was easy to get into. One of the main reason's people chat is because they are lonely and are in need of interaction. Chatting for me began when a friend of mine introduced me to her world of chat. The first chatroom I went to was called Kinkychat, an adult chatroom that was filled with adults with children's minds. There I invented Seashell, the seductress who would flirt with everyone and take up with nobody. This of course went over like stink, meaning the men loved Seashell but the women hated her with a passion. I talk of Seashell in a third person as she was me but she was everything that I always had wanted to be but never had the balls to be. I was still getting over my bad boy and men for me were strictly forbidden, except when I could put myself behind the computer and be protected. Before going online I was a shy and reserved person who always had an opinion but kept it to myself most times. After being online for awhile I was released from the shell and slowly became Seashell. AFter I was chased out of Kinkychat for having a real life affair with a man from Chicago(who was having an affair with a woman from Texas at the same time) I went to HardPornLounge, another Adult site with child like mentalities. There Seashell changed into TriNitY and Llehsaes but still the flirty girl. One day I should write a book about my endeavors online, because they are so many and so many bizzare and demented things happened to poor Seashell and her alias'. I just could not resist trying to flirt with a guy who was taken by another online, for me it meant nothing because it was just through the computer, you never meet these people and the chances of your life carrying on with them were very slim. In HardpornLounge my ideas of online chat forever changed because I fell in love with a man from California. Knowing my luck with men, he ended up being married and after 3 years of carrying on online and in real life, the cookie crumbled and the world stepped in. I was then chased out of HardpornLounge for that reason and the past from Kinkychat was following me again. It was after Chris broke my stupid heart that I realized I had been sucked into the world of chatting, it's too bad I couldn't have realized that earlier.

Over the years of chatting I have seen and done everything. There are several pics where little clothing if any is worn on different sites over the web. Some of the things I did I now regret but I don't regret the experiences that it brought me, the travel and the people I did meet in real life. It was nice to realize that despite the times I have that I feel like my world is falling apart or that my brain is disconnecting from the rest of me there are always MANY MANY people chatting all over the world that are a MILLION times worse...take it from me I met quite a few of them

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


As a tribute to my 40th Birthday there will be concerts all over the world....

Please visit and sign up to fight world hunger...

This site will also direct you to the Make Poverty History, it is the Canadian site in accordance with the One campaign....

Make a difference.....

Yummy Posted by Hello

Monday, June 20, 2005

aging on...

After reading other people's blog's this weekend I was trying to figure out why I am not into reading deep and thought provoking books anymore. I know the reason isn't due to lack of intelligence or lack of motivation. The only reason I can come up with is that my life in itself is deep and thought provoking enough for my brain to handle. At this point in my life I don't want to think anymore....LOL

To make a mini novel of my life......."here comes the sob story"

On second thought after typing it all out, just reading it depresses the hell out of me and is too much of a sob story to depress anyone else....LOL
Take my word for it my life is full enough and can't handle anymore thought!!!

Today I am going to the gym, picking up my daughter from finals at school, then delivering some avon orders, going to see my Mom, coming home to finish weeding the front garden so I can plant my sunflower's and a couple roses, grocery shopping, making dinner and then if I am still alive mowing the front and back lawns before the rain comes on Wednesday!!!!

That might not sound like a lot to some super human go getters but it's more than I want to do...
I would rather be....
... sitting outside reading a book and sipping on a cold iced tea....
...listening to the hit's of the 70's and dancing around the room...
...sailing on a boat...
...driving down the highway on a road trip to anywhere...
...going to the Jazz festival in Vancouver ...
...taking my daughter and my dog for a walk along the beach or lake...
...watching sexy Brad Pitt in Mr and Mrs Smith...

I guess really it comes down to doing anything other than what I have to sucks being an adult sometimes

Friday, June 17, 2005

dreaming lost chances

Last night when I was trying to get to sleep my brain wouldn't shut off....I kept saying to myself just close your eyes and dream about doing Tony Stewart or Brad Pitt in an elevator in Las brain was denying me that chance for a moment of woohoo's
My brain then said to me, nope we are going to delve into your past and think about all the men that you should have said yes to instead of saying no thanks. We aren't talking about sex we are just talking about men who were interested in me when I was younger but I wasn't interested in them because I was in love with the baddest boy in town. Talk about lost chances, especially in hindsight when the baddest boy in town was all that and more.

Why are women attracted to bad boys?
Why do we only want men that we know will treat us badly and leave us wounded for years?

I let my bad boy destroy me for many years, the only good thing to come out of my relationship with him was my beautiful daughter, who is and will be the only good thing to come out of that family gene pool. The other good things are that I was lucky enough not be stuck with him and that Tim has aged terribley and I haven't....LOL

What comes around goes around, it's just you might not get the pleasure of seeing it happen.

Oh yeah, 15 more days til the crust of the earth will well up and swallow me whole into that evil heartless age of 40............Please let 40 be the new 30 pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee

Monday, June 13, 2005

Last week of school

The kids are counting the days until Summer begins and us parents are counting the days of freedom left....4 days left until I have to answer to a teenager......."sighs"
Don't think my daughter has me wrapped around her little finger cause that is far from the truth but it just means that I have the next 2 and 1/2 months to have to deal with her "please mom" and "I love you mom" 's schemes to get her own way.....when I look around I see all the scarey 15 yr old kids and thank God everyday that my daughter has not yet gone down the wrong path, she has good friends who stay out of trouble and she hasn't gotten interested in boys yet.....One thing I have going for me is that she is still scared of her Mother, and her friends are all scared of my actions too. I have lost friends because I have spoken up about their kids but I don't regret it because I look at those kids now and they are rotten little bitches...Hahahahahaha
My daughter had the potential to be one of the most rotten due to her blood lines, mine has some major flaws in it and her father's might as well be collapsed because of all the screwed up people......Thanking God once again
We are not doing anything too major this summer, we will be taking a week or so and heading over to the west coast of the island to stay in this really cool resort....TerraceBeach resort it's called, they have a website if you are interested in looking at selling point was they are animal friendly so Daisy my second child is welcome....

My gym exercise is working out real well, I went 3 days last week and intend on going everyday this week. I had forgotten how good you feel when you get on that treadmill and sweat like a pig...I have always been very flexible body wise and it was funny today trying to see who else there could do a back bend over the ball, there was even hot YOUNG girls there who couldn't do it....Me Good

The countdown to 40 is down to 19 days now, and depression is setting in...I really thought 20 years ago that my life would be different when I got to this point in my life. I was always one of those old fashioned girls who thought I would fall in love, get married, have kids and live happily ever far I have fallen in love, fallen out of love, had a kid and live quite happily on my own with everything that I could ever need, who would have thought that a woman could actually be happy without a man........Me Good

Tomorrow is a busy day, morning appointments, noon gym time, afternoon lawn mowing, dinner time soccer game........I don't see one minute free for sex........."sighs"

one day I would like to blog about masturbation.......
one day I would like to meet Brad Pitt.....
one day I would like to get into a really expensive RV and travel throughout North America
one day I would like to jump naked into Brad Pitt's arms and say "take me stud"
and him reply "sure sexy"............
one day I would like to write my memoirs...
one day if I did do that I would have a lot of people sweating.....LOL

I am going to go sit out on the sundeck watch the beautiful evening with the blue sky and many colours of the sunset and gaze at the still water in the harbour and the channel

night night

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Another amusing picture found in my daughter's files....LOL Posted by Hello

Changing gears

I had been wanting to link some other blog's to mine but discovered today that I would have to change my pretty picture up top...nah I don't think I want to change my harbour scene...
Nanaimo where I live is a harbour city and it suits it perfectly...Thanks to Morris though for offering to help me out with it!
I will keep plugging along with leaving comments at people's blog and hope that they will be interested enough to click my homepage.

Yesterday I hit the gym for the first time since last year. I didn't over do it, I only stayed for a little over an hour. Today I don't want to eat the same kind of breakfast as I had yesterday and am looking forward to going back to the gym today. A few muscles ache and my tail bone hurts like hell but I fell some time ago and hurt my tail bone so that will take a long time to heal. I forgot what it feels like to sweat and I miss it.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I thought I was chatting

hahahahhahaa...bad habits are hard to break
I chatted online for so many years that I thought I could just do a good old brb and continue
I haven't chatted for months as it caused too many problems in my life. I was spending too much time doing it and I kept allowing those psycho people into my chat life and my brain couldn't handle their baggage anymore.
One day I will have to tell the story of my chatlife, some people wouldn't believe how many undesirables I have come across.........LOL
Time to go have a shower and then hit the gym, it was my friend on the phone by the way...
Later taters, oops I guess I will feel that tater that I ate for breaky while I work out....

Breakfast thoughts and blogs

Sometime in the day I usually sit down at the computer and check out my favourite sites...they include some news sites like CNN and, also sites like Msn and Yahoo for the entertainment, then of course I can't resist my racing sites like Nascar and Jayski's....After checking my email for the usual crap and the occasional juicy email I head off to blogger land. The first blog I was exposed to was fingerprintinc which is a blog by Jade Gurss and Mike Davis, originally created to let the millions and millions of Junior obsessed fans know what he is doing, now I look more forward to the other articles where Jade lets us know about music, and politics and just anything that strikes his fancy. From that blog, I discovered Scott's Highly Sophisicated Rednecks, which at first I only read his entry about his Nascar weekend...I then started looking back and enjoyed his sense of humour so onto my Favourites list it went with Fingerprintinc. Next was Alison's Outside Looking in, I was curious from reading her comments in Scott's blog, Alison was a fellow Canadian so I had to read what she was up to, I soon discovered she was an American living in Canada with a great sense of humour so she too landed on my Favourite's list...................You are all wondering why the hell I am writing about all these blogs, well one reason is that I haven't figured out yet how to link them all so bare with me.....LOL
From there I have discovered several of Scott's friend's blogs that keep me amused during some long days....there is Brad's blog The Steam Vent and Morris's The Workman Cronicles, both of these gentlemen keep my interest with their funny blogs

Oops my breakfast thought was damn am I ever eating an unbalanced meal...
For breaky this morning I had a fried up potato with 2 eggs and a piece of homemade bread toasted with peanut butter on it and a cup of team......carbs carbs and more carbs

Yesterday I went swimming with my Mom who is recovering from a hip replacement. The pool was heated but damn that wind was nipply. I swam laps for about 45 minutes. Last night I was so friggin' tired that I couldn't go to bed soon enough. I HAD to watch Primetime Live last night as it was a whole hour on Brad Pitt.....YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY
Nothing sexier than a man who actually cares about the world and is willing to do something about it. He along with Bono from U2 are involved in a campaign to fight poverty, AIDS, hunger and promote education in Africa. I had already signed up for this campaign several weeks ago but when I signed onto my email this morning I had a ton of emails from friends who had obviously watched the show and now wanted everyone to sign up. Like I have said before anything a person can do to make this world a better place is worth doing.

After reading Scott's and Alison's blog exchange today I am contemplating writing about all the men I have met online.....LOL
Scott said I am an instigator so why not instigate some..........hehehehehhe
Alison wrote about a Risk event, which I myself have never played (the game that is) but have had a Monopoly adventure as well as a Trivial Pursuit showdown.

It's raining today but luckily for me I mowed the lawn yesterday. I am supposed to check out a new gym today. My friend wants me to get into a work out program with her. I haven't been to a gym since last September so I am sure after today my body will hurt.
She isn't home, or at least not answering her phone so it's a toss up whether or not today will be our first gym day...brb phone

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Well I had every intention of watching some funny movies all weekend...I pulled all the bins out that contained approximately 200 VHS and 130 DVD's......and the winners were...."drum roll please"

The whole collection of James Bond movies!!!!!

In the end I got a high fever and have slept more than I was awake this weekend. The worse part about that was when you aren't feeling well you have those bizarre dreams and when you awake you feel worse than you did when you fell asleep.
I watched half of You only Live Twice, a part of Goldfinger, entire Dr No and when I was feeling really delirious Baywatch Hawaiian WEdding........hahahhhahahaa
I had my weekly cry fest watching a rerun of Extreme makeover-Home Edition.
I read as many people's blog entries as I could find.
There were many thoughts in my head when I signed on but now they all seeped out and I haven't a clue what to say.........
My daughter informed me that she only has 2 weeks of school left.
It rained today.

Btw my 14 yr old daughter was disappointed in Star Wars 3 so I am waiting til it comes to video....
I am hoping to dream about Tony Stewart tonight.....cripes now I am getting delusional again I better sign off before I start yammering on about my sex toy collection.....

night night

Saturday, June 04, 2005

I had to ask my daughter if she liked this cartoon cause it reminded her of me....luckily for me she said no Posted by Hello


I think I need to get laid or watch a day full of funny movies...

My crown fell out last night so I am dealing with a toothache today as well as a teenager who doesn't want to spend time at home, the lawn is growing faster than I can cut it, I am fighting with my ex employer regarding some money they still owe me, I think I am pmsing (run people run) and the worse of it is I turn 40 in exactly 4 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!

After reading my blogs from the last few days I am thinking I need to get some amusement in my darkening mooded life. After the Busch race is over I think I will watch a funny movie, one that is totally fluff and you don't have to think for one moment while watching it. So I would be looking for a movie that doesn't have dark overtones, doesn't include relationships, no good vs evil, etc etc.......damn what does that leave.........
I will look into my vast DVD and VHS collection, one of which I could have opened my own friggin' store, find something and shut the world out.........

Hey one happy thing is that my Sunflower seeds I planted last week have sprouted and the rest of my garden is growing great........LOL

Daily news

Frank McKenna our ambassador to the US says in the news today that we as Canadians need to quit being so smug and get the chip off our shoulders when it comes to our American neighbours....When I first read that I was pissed off, how dare he tell me I have a chip on my shoulder or that I am smug, but after reading the article I started feeling sorry for my Southern neighbours. He went on to say that because of the horrific events of September 11th 2001 most Americans are obsessed with the threat of terrorism. Is this true?
I started thinking on what irritates me about some American's....the government was first on the list, but after that the one main thing that bothered me was the majority of American's that I have met is their lack of knowledge when it comes to my country and the people in it...Like Frank McKenna also stated, the American's don't think of us much if any at all....why is that?
In our schools we are taught about Canadian history as well as American history, we are taught about globalization and that we are a country among many. Do the school's south of the Canadian border not teach about globalization? The US is one of the most powerful countries in the world but they aren't alone in the world. Yes I detest the present US government but I have enjoyed every friendship and love affair I have had with my American neighbours. I hope one day that the powers that be in the US decide to open up and teach their population about the rest of the world. If that sounds smug then I don't understand what the word means.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Late night tv

What's a girl to do on a Friday night when she is home alone and doesn't want to go out and party.....well this was just such a night so I watched a movie, and then at 11 pm I turned on Sin tours the world and checks out cities porn wonder why I was watching such a show when I am an innocent girl....well keep wondering....LOL
Anyway, tonight they were touring Barcelona, Spain and my oh my did they find an interesting contest going on....It's the "gang bang" contest, and yes for those of you thinking what exactly the contest is, it's exactly what your dirty minds are thinking about...It showed a small platform where some "woman" is on her back with her legs spread doing the deed with as many men as she can in a set period of time....there is a 30 second limit on each man to get a hard on or he leaves unfulfilled....LOL....for some guys that ain't hard and for some guys it ain't hard....hahahahha
The world record is held by some chickie from the States with approximately 652 guys. As they left the "show" a skank had banged over 500 but they shut the show down because the judges deemed she wasn't spending as much time with each guy as she should....LMAO
They interviewed some Spanish guy who had banged the skank 3 times already and was getting back in line to do it again, another had waited too long and couldn't get it up. To keep the men primed there were 3 or 4 "ladies" giving blow jobs to keep the men hard............I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it....hahahahhahahaha.....there was no mention about condom that is a scarey thought............ewwwwwwww crusty smelly skank puss

Time for me to go to bed now....sleep tight

Daisy Posted by Hello

Pins and needles

That title in itself is hilarious.... reason is that right now my pinky on my left hand has gone to sleep and I am having a heck of a time typing the a's as well as reading all the crap I have read today feels like I am getting poked by pins and needles...
Okay now that I have the feeling back in my fingers I can start my rant and hope to hell that I will feel better afterwards.

Each person has their own likes and dislikes, their passions, their opinions and of course their ignorances. I try real hard on a daily basis to give each person their right and freedom to express each of these regardless of how much I would like to knock them flat. Some days are better than others. I guess the hardest part about dealing with this sort of situation is when someone is so damn ignorant and they see no other way. Dealing with the public and their money for 20 years I grew to have a very hard skin and quite a skill of defusing a situation. I am great with kids up until they are about 17 and then again great with aging adults after the age of about's the in between ages that I need the work on...LOL
I have to keep telling myself just because I strive to improve my knowledge and want to learn about the world around me doesn't mean Joe Blow cares about the same thing. Just once I would like to ram that "holier than thou" attitude up someone's butt, but I don't think I have the bitchiness to follow through on it......yip yip yip I keep wagging my tongue about nothing

Yes, it's true I am a great Nascar fan....sorry to disappoint any of you but I love the need for speed. I have been a racer of fast machines all my life and Nascar just encourages my behavior.
I am a fan of Dale Jr's and Tony Stewart's as well as older favourites like Mark Martin. I find it amusing and disturbing though when I read about the millions of obsessed fans and their attitudes towards individuals such as Dale Jr. Yes I have joined each of Jr's and Stewart's fan clubs once and admit to having belonged for a year to Pam Anderson's fan club. The stuff was worth some dollars on Ebay especially Pam's signed g-string, I just couldn't keep it, something about having a woman's panties sort of made me cringe. I will post about Pam another time but just know she grew up around here and I don't have anything negative to say about her. Anyway getting back to the obsession of Nascar, the breaking story last night was about Shane Hmiel and his SECOND failed drug test, I couldn't believe the amount of people on sites dedicated to Nascar that were calling foul to poor Shane and dilemma!!! Come on people wake up and smell the grass growing, this is his second offense and it's not like he was playing a sport where he wasn't in charge of a 3400 pound friggin' killing machine.....geeeez
Reading the constant news of Dale Jr is like nails run across a chalkboard I feel sorry for the likes of Jade Gurss and Mike Davis who have to try to keep Junior from public saturation. The media slams it down one's throat every chance they can get with either commercials or stories or what if's on a slow day. The commercialism is enough to make a person hurl. Yes I joined a couple fan clubs and enjoy watching the races every week and am a bit of a voyeur when it comes to knowing what's going on, but would I call myself obsessed...damn I hope not
Then there's the story of Smoke, the bad boy of Nascar that as soon as the media found out that he was actually a nice guy they slam him and complain that he isn't the same guy...WAKE UP people you only see what you want to see, what the media circus wants you to see.

One day when I don't care about offending my American friends I will get into how I feel about their country and their present day government........LOL

All I want to tell people is that yes there are some awful things going on in the world but all it takes is one small action or one act of kindness that can make the world a better place. We tend to only come together when there is some catastrophic happening such as the recent Tsunami, this needs to become a common action, the kindness I mean not the catastrophic occurance. There is hunger close to home, homelessness, environmental concerns, abuse of our fellow humans and animals and many other concerns to each of us. Simply put start small and work your way upwards.
Start with a smile as you are walking down the street at a stranger or each of our neighbours could always use a hand, if we want to see the world change each one of us has to do our part. FOR GOODNESS SAKES QUIT LITTERING AND QUIT THROWING YOUR FRIGGIN CIGARETTE BUTTS OUT THE CAR WINDOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing worse than seeing the crap laying on the sides of the roads and highways!!!!

Hmmmm I do feel a little better for that rant, but now my ass hurts from sitting on this uncomfortable chair...and my elderly neighbour across the street needs her grass time for me to go make the world a little bit nicer of a place

later taters and enjoy your weekend!!!!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Sundeck view Posted by Hello

Let's try this again....

Okay, I have it all set up, some pics in and now I have to figure out what the hell to say....
I started a blog over on friendster but now I guess I have to start all over again
Do I start out with writing about sex, or guys, or family or as simple as the weather.....hmmm
Let's start out with introducing myself
Hi, my name is Michelle and I am a 39 yr old single mom who lives with my teenage daughter and my Scottish Lab Daisy. We live on the west coast of Canada on Vancouver Island. I have lived here most of my life and have not found any other place in my travels that measures up to the beauty I find here. I have been online for about 10 years and the evil and demented things I have seen will last me a lifetime....LOL
I love to laugh and enjoy life, I tend to be easy going as it is pretty easy to please me but if you piss me off watch out cause I can be a psychotic bitch if I want to be....hmmm I wonder if that is why I am still single....LOL
No I am still single cause I choose to be, raising my daughter is more important to me at this time in my life than having a regular piece of tail. I haven't ever had very good luck with my choices of men, but lucky for me I find it out before it's too late and they are moved into my house. There has only been a couple men who have taken me for a ride that caused me some scarring, yeah emotional not physical, not to say I wouldn't have wanted to use a dull paring knife on some of their more private parts....hehehehhe see what I mean about the capability of psychotic.....I live right across from the ocean and I love the morning sun rising up over the harbour. We also have some beautiful lakes and mountains here that would certainly cause some people to never want to come indoors again. I tend to go from one subject to another really quickly so keep a hold of your hat and don't fall off. Politically I tend to be anti war but support those who choose to fight for their countries. I love the fact that my country doesn't rock the boat and won't always follow the States into so called terroristic wars. I keep up on worldly events and know at least a little about most things, and if I don't know I am not too proud to admit it. People and places interest me, the more knowledge a person has the stronger they is that for a starter to have people interested or hate me.....LOL...c'est la vie

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Beautiful walking Posted by Hello

Hello Posted by Hello


Blogging can be really funny or it can be boring as hell...........