Monday, August 29, 2005

Mother Nature

While waiting for the repairman today I have been watching CNN and the catastrophic results of Hurricane Katrina. My thoughts and prayers go out to those who are affected by this natural disaster. When are people going to learn that you don't play with Mother Nature.
Up here on the west coast of Canada, we don't get Hurricane's, or Tornado's, just the occasional Earthquake and a dreary wet Winter, but I know for sure if a Hurricane was going to be heading my way I would certainly do everything in my power to get the hell out of the way. There isn't any material's in my house that aren't replaceable, other than my photo-albums everything else can be rebought. I saw pictures of people sitting in their homes waiting out the storm, do they not realize that they could have just as easily died? I have had friends who have lost their homes in these disasters but they still have their lives. What is more important?
With these natural disasters it brings out the good and the bad in people. Crazy media people out in the Hurricane, someone give them a smack in the head. People helping people, it is at times like this that humanity has to shine through. Looting was rampant in parts of some cities and price gouging had also started. I hope these bastards realize what comes around goes around. The scarey part of the day for me was watching the President address his country about the disaster and realizing why some people voted for him, the father figure syndrome....
Again, my thoughts and prayers are with those who are effected by Katrina....Good Luck


Blogger Neil Wainwright said...

I'd love to ride out a hurricane in a nice, safe, concrete hotel. I also tried to get to Southeast Asia after the Tsunami (well, that was just to help). I guess I'm not that risk averse. :-)

I hope as many people are OK as possible.

3:04 p.m.  

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