Monday, August 29, 2005

Rant day: Ignorant Smokers

Attention all ignorant Smokers!!!!
Now before I get that 30% of the population pissed off at me, I did say ignorant smokers not all smokers.......even though I think Smokers stink
Driving down the road I see those "ignorant" smokers flick their still lit butts out the windows, there are those few arsenic laced butts that roll into the dried grasses on sides of the roads and ignite...."Poof" a fire erupts and that ignorant smoker just keeps going down the road flicking his or her butts out the window....This makes me so mad I want to ram those selfish bastard's vehicles and take them by the hair and make them pick the butts up...sort of like what you do with a puppy when they have done their business on the floor, put their noses close to the floor....Yes, I have smoked at a time in my life but only when I drank and was at the bar. The time was not long and every morning I woke up stinky and my lungs ached from the poison's I had inhaled. Kissing a smoker is like licking a dirty ashtray, no if's and's or butt's about it.
Really, most smokers are selfish, as they don't care if they blow second hand smoke into my air. If you don't care about your own health that's fine, your friend's and family will have to worry about that when you die of some smoker's related death but I don't care to have your shit in my lungs or your poisoned butt's in my environment.


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