Tuesday, December 13, 2005

From Christmas Chaos to Christmas Cheer

Why does the Christmas season bring out the worse in a lot of people?

Is it the stress of figuring out what to buy each person on your list?
Is it the stress of venturing through the crowded malls?
Is it the stress of having to deal with relatives that piss you off?

All I can say is GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This time of year comes every year at this time, if it stresses you out you have had the last 11 months to figure out how to fix it. The holiday season is about sharing with people you care about. It's about giving to those who don't have as much as you. Yes, I have family members who piss me off to no end but why let them ruin my time, and no I don't drink so being drunk isn't an option for me to ignore them.

What to do to lessen the stress of the Holiday Season?

Try to get to the stores about a month earlier than you are doing now.
Do what you can and realize you aren't super human and delegate.
Take some time for yourself.
Help out for an afternoon at the local soup kitchen or at the local Charity Organization to gather and sort out presents and food for the less fortunate.
Take your foot off the acceleration, speeding through the traffic isn't going to get you there any time sooner.
DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!! (many of us have lost someone to the dangers)
Invite a friend who doesn't family around or a place to go into your festivities.

Remember this is a time of the year to celebrate, be good to each other and to strangers.....
Pay it forward......

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


When we reach Heaven, will all those people we love be there?
Is it another life up there or do we just keep getting reincarnated and brought back down to keep giving to each other? When we reach a certain age it seems that more people are leaving us than are coming into this world. In the end I don't want a service to celebrate my life and what I brought to it, I want one heck of a party when I reach those pearly gates. The invitee's list will be fairly long, I want all those people that meant something to me to be there and all those people that I lost touch with in my Earthly life that have since passed to be there too. John Lennon will be invited as well as Elvis, Lucille Ball, Dale Earnhardt, Tommy Douglas, and anyone else that would bring some excitement to my party. There will be lots of music, dancing and food. There won't be alcohol or drugs because too many people in my life had problems with them. But then again it is Heaven, I doubt whether there is any addictions up there.

Here's to you Garry, I am sorry we lost you yesterday but I know you will be one heck of an addition to Heaven's celebration......