Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Topics coming soon to a blog near you....

Gun control....hunters and policing forces
Drug use...should pot be legal?
Reality T.V.....why?
Hockey....why it's Canada's favourite game
Turning 40....the good, bad and ugly
Pleasing a teenager...is it possible?
Relationship counselling....is it worth it?
Vibrator's.....pro and con

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Out to Lunch.....

I can't think of anything to write about. I can't even think of anything to contribute to Alison's and Scott's "He said/She said" blog. Too many things to do around the house right now, painting and Fall cleaning being my least favourite things. It's the time of year to shop for Christmas, and I really hate shopping. I am looking for any suggestions to write about.

Other wise I am out for an extended Lunch Break............

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Facing the demons

We all have our Demons to face and the best thing we can do is to face them head on. This week I have had the opportunity to face one of my biggest Demons, and have to pat myself on the back for doing such a wonderful job of it. It's taken me 15 years to be able to face him but given the opportunity in the 7-11 yesterday I did it. I did it with grace and dignity and didn't let him know how much he really did impact my life. I gave him respect for his opinions and left it at that. Today I woke up feeling much lighter in spirit and not so afraid of the past. I feel sorry for that Demon and have to honestly say I am glad that the road went the way it did. Honesty and Integrity always wins out.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Rosa Resolution....

Today I sit and watch the celebration of life for Mrs Rosa Parks. Up until several years ago and into my adulthood I never knew who Mrs Parks was or the effect that she had on the American Civil Rights Movement. Many times during this celebration I have found tears in my eyes due to the words that these many people have had for this woman. I have to honestly say that I once felt Reverend Al Sharpton was just a blowhard but after today I have respect for what he has to say. Mr Lowry, who I still am not sure who he is, has many powerful words and the actions to back it up. He is a man who I would like to know more about. Mrs Park's simple action to sit down on a bus and not give in to the racist actions of those around her gave birth to the movement of giving people the rights they should have had in the first place. I hope her words and legacy never fade away and that we keep teaching our children and our grandchildren what the world should be about and not let the few with their small minded views and actions lead our world into a darker place.